some rumours are floating that sebi may impose a reporting requirement on defaulting clients. it means if Bedi tells me audit committee nahin bani, kal meeting mein meine uski-le lee, iskee-le lee, it means i have to tell sebi like that game chinese whisper school girls and some college boys play.
otherwise i can be chackee-peesing and peesing till i am 32 and that means big discount on my dowry and missing partnership also.
like mcdonalds and mtvthis is law will be jusified by many coz america does it.
anyway in the corridor outside New Boss' office, i saw Almost-New Associate looking so thoughtful i thought he would say why is there a need for such obvious fdi clarifications and all or about the cricket team but all he could say (all the time looking at my top shirt button) was: how do u think salman climbed the chandelier in hum apke hai kaun?
i was like, dude, just like he managed to date an aishwariya and smiled at the relief of once again having avoided saying
otherwise i can be chackee-peesing and peesing till i am 32 and that means big discount on my dowry and missing partnership also.
like mcdonalds and mtvthis is law will be jusified by many coz america does it.
anyway in the corridor outside New Boss' office, i saw Almost-New Associate looking so thoughtful i thought he would say why is there a need for such obvious fdi clarifications and all or about the cricket team but all he could say (all the time looking at my top shirt button) was: how do u think salman climbed the chandelier in hum apke hai kaun?
i was like, dude, just like he managed to date an aishwariya and smiled at the relief of once again having avoided saying
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