Sunday Stories
I dislike very few people. Very very few. To the vast majority of the rest, I am neutral. One good thing they do tends to counterbalance with an annoying thing but "net-net" as unposh people say, it is the same.
So unless you are in the special list of the very very few people, you are safe. Otherwise you need to run for insurance. Trust me. If not now, then 10 years later- you will be grateful for the insurance.
Anyway, I am planning to start another blog called Smug Housewife.
Today I was so tired from serving rotis. So I told the ayah to make thicker ones. That way the family would eat the same amount so I do not feel guilty of under-feeding. But it would not be spread out over so many tiny rotis.
In the name of thick rotis, Lakshmi made some hinjra-parathas. They looked like a cross between two nameless wheaties. I force-fed with such joy though once literally stuffing it inside a guest's mouth when he had covered his plate with his greasy fingers that nothing was noticed.
After the meal, I got her to make wafer thin rotis for myself and ate like a queen. A hungry queen.
Bye. Love most of y'all.
my friend will you please continue to write as a guy and not suddenly make the "married girl" turn..."net net", let your storyline here not contort like that in a time jumping K-serial...
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